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Luxury self-catering cottages for your next holiday…


Updated: Nov 9, 2021

Choosing where to stay during a family holiday or a trip with friends can be challenging. We might be biased, but we believe that choosing self-catering cottages #gallowayviewholidaycottages has pretty definite advantages…

#1: HOME FROM HOME While travelling with friends, family members or children, choosing the self-catering option allows you to cook what you want, when you want. Which means if you want breakfast in the middle of the day – you are welcome to it! Our cottages have fully equipped modern kitchens. You can keep to your own routine or break out of however you want! If you have babies, you can prepare and store baby food ready for whenever you child wants it.

#2: FREEDOM You get to come and go as you please and set your own holiday timetable. You can enjoy a relaxing or a very active break. You aren’t restricted to designated meal times so you can choose to eat your breakfast at a time that suits you, whether you are an early bird or a late riser. If you want to have a lie in, you can. You can do everything at your own pace.

#4: SPACE Our cottages are extremely spacious. Let's face it, just because you are travelling with friends, doesn't mean you need to spend every waking moment with them. Our cottages have a living/dining area that everyone can enjoy together as well as bedrooms which will give you privacy. If you want some fresh air without going too far, you can enjoy the stunning views from the outside deck.

#5: FLEXIBILITY From space, to meal times, to being able to wash your clothes, our accommodation offers you so much more freedom and independence. Our cottages are equipped with all the necessary appliances should you want to make pop-corn in the middle of the night, microwave leftovers, bake cookies or wash your clothes after a day of mountain-biking in the woods.

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